I make heavy use of variant locks in the format "All variants where "Tshirt size" equals "small"", and if I change either the option name ("Tshirt size" to "T-shirt size") or variant name (e.g. "small" to "small/petit"), I have to recreate the variant lock.
I understand that this happens because it is looking for any variant, and not looking at the specific variant.
It would be nice if there were a way for Locksmith to highlight an lock that refers to an invalid option/variant combination (i.e. one where the option/variant has been renamed) so I can see which locks need to be updated/recreated/deleted.
That, or it would be nice if I could edit the option name and variant name to which the lock applies to so I don't have to fully recreate all settings of the lock and potentially miss a detail like translated option/variant names.
The ability to rename the option/variant name would also open up the possibility of being able to duplicate a lock and edit its conditions instead of having to recreate it from scratch.