Allow opening locks in a new tab/window
Charles Akben-Marchand
When I have a series of locks I need to edit (e.g. updating before/after dates for a new fiscal year), I have to search for the locks, open a lock, edit it, then go back and redo the search and figure out where I left off. It would be MUCH easier if I could open an existing lock in a new window so I don't lose my search results or my place within the results.
Jed Storie
Hey Charles! You should be able to accomplish this by searching using the "Existing locks" area (first screenshot). Then, if you ctrl/cmd + click anywhere within each lock's result (second screnshot), it will open in a new tab.
Does this work for your flow?
Charles Akben-Marchand
Jed Storie Thanks Jed, that does help! I'm used to using middle click to open links in new tabs, so I hadn't tried that.